Small Comforts

Doll quilts, beading, pin cushions, doll dresses, stitch markers, altered art, recipes, folk-art dolls, whimseys, aprons, birds, flowers

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I've been a quilter for almost thirty years, but last year I began library school and working in libraries. I have been absorbed in working, writing papers, joining organizations, attending conferences, reading books related to library science, applying for scholarships, studying, and attending classes and have had no time to quilt. I miss it.

I don't want to start a full-sized bed quilt as I know I won't have time to finish it and I'll just get frustrated. Instead I've chosen to make doll quilts. They're small, they're portable, and they can be finished in a reasonable length of time. I can hang them on a wall when they're finished and enjoy them now or put them aside for future granddaughters.

There may be other little items scattered here and there in this blog--a pin cushion, a beaded pin, a doll dress, stitch markers, or altered art. But all the items will be small and will fulfill my need to make something beautiful.

I'll also plan to include other small comforts in my life --aprons, birds, flowers, and recipes among them.